The Media Room offers print, radio, TV and internet journalist information about First Concepts Consultants, Inc., Don Shapiro’s discoveries and his perspective on why key people and organizations make the decisions they do. Please use the navigation bar on the left to search through the Media Room.
Available for interviews and appearances
Don Shapiro is available for interviews and appearances. If you want to know more about why someone made a choice, the impact of that choice or how it could be changed, Don’s the guy to interview.
Rights to use this material and its restrictions
The media is given one-time rights to publish excerpted material from this website as long as its author Don Shapiro, President First Concepts Consultants, Inc., is given full credit and the website address is mentioned. The entire contents of this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commerical-No Derivitive Works agreement. Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to read the Creative Commons summary and full legal code.
No individual or organization is given any rights to publish all or most of the material contained on this website as a body of work or collection in any form. Those rights are strictly and exclusively held by Don Shapiro and First Concepts Consultants, Inc. and require formal licensing.