Every Child a Leader
If we can develop children into leaders, they will grow up to be better parents, workers and citizens as well as better handle peer pressure and bullying.
If we can develop children into leaders, they will grow up to be better parents, workers and citizens as well as better handle peer pressure and bullying.
Leadership development isn’t just for those with the management titles. In the best run operations, hourly employees lead some of the time.
Strategic alignment, while clearly not a hot trending topic, is actually the key to exceptional strategy execution How do we get our organization to execute our strategies….consistently and effectively in a way that delivers the results we want? You can create great strategies, brilliant innovations, ideas to out position the competition, memorable branding, raise your […]
Change happens whether you want it to or not This is the way of the universe. Either you make the change or something is going to make the change for you often times in a way you don’t like. Yes, change is inevitable. The cherry tree turns green with leaves, then buds form, then the […]
Build a sustaining culture so your strategy keeps delivering good results You’ve created a great new strategy. Or your going through a massive change initiative. Perhaps you just want to insure the results you have been producing continue long into the future. Even if you successfully aligned your organization with your strategy and goals, how […]
When Your Role Models Are Great Leaders, You’re on Your Way to Becoming The Best Leader Possible You can learn to become a great leader without ever taking a leadership training class. And taking every training class on leadership that ever was won’t turn you into a leader. Leadership classes support the main event but […]
The success of any organization be it a business, non-profit, educational institution or government, depends on its people. All the fancy strategies, creations and technology mean absolutely nothing without people to make it happen. In fact, people have to develop those strategies and make decisions about using them. People have to create the products and […]
Many years ago I had a most interesting discussion with a mathematician. I asked him how he managed to remember all those formulas and equations or look them up so fast. He laughed. He said if you truly understood the principles of mathematics, you never have to remember anything. If you need a formula or […]
What are the leadership qualities that build trust? When employees trust management, they enthusiastically deliver great customer service and stick around a lot longer. Trust is what drives higher employee retention and retention drives business results. The longer employees stay and the more they trust management, the better they serve customers, deliver quality and work […]
Copy of letter sent to 13 top Pentagon, 10 U.S. Senators, 6 U.S. House and 5 White House staff (see CC:) about focusing more on the root cause of military sexual assault which stems from a lack of character and failure to follow each services core values. June 17, 2013 The Honorable Chuck Hagel Secretary […]