Management Speaker Don Shapiro changes the discussion on healthcare
Does America want a “designer flip phone” healthcare system or a “smartphone” healthcare system? The launch of Apple’s iPhone versus the rest of the cell phone industry can teach us a great deal about what’s missing from the current discussion on healthcare.
Do we want to only address a few issues by moving around what we see already exist or do we want to embrace America’s place as an innovation leader to create a healthcare system that will make America one of the healthiest in the world at a much lower cost so the savings can be passed back to all Americans?
Clears up the confusion about healthcare and healthcare finance
We face confusion and uncertainty about the future of the U.S. Healthcare System. So many experts, talking heads and politicians are offering ways to improve our healthcare system that it can make our head spin.
It turns out there is a light at the end of the tunnel no one is talking about. The current discussion on healthcare is filled with many myths, partial truths, and misconceptions that play on a lack of understanding about how the system works and how it could work better. We have to understand the system, how it works, and what causes it to cost so much before we can see the light.
Management Consultant Don Shapiro has studied the U.S. Healthcare system since 2005
Management consultant Don Shapiro became fascinated with our healthcare system back in 2005 and has been studying it ever since. He’s now asked the questions no one else ever asked about it.
Don’s mission is to help America figure out the desired results it wants the healthcare system to deliver. Once we all agree on the goals, then it will be much easier to figure out which ideas can get us there and which ones can’t.
America lacks clear goals about what it wants its healthcare system to do…how it makes us healthier while costing us less. Without common goals, measurable goals, there is no way we can compare healthcare proposals and solutions to each other.D
Don’s discoveries help people understand how the system really works, why existing proposals can’t fix it, and what can. Here are a few of the questions and ideas Don addresses in this energetic, fun and insightful program:
- Why does the healthcare system cost so much?
- Why are healthcare cost rising faster than the cost of living?
- Do rising healthcare cost put the economy in danger of a recession
or worse? - Why is medical insurance more like gambling?
- Why does America spend more on healthcare than other countries
while producing worse health outcomes? - What are all the different ways you help fund the U.S. Healthcare
System and what portion of healthcare is funded through your taxes? - Why lowering healthcare cost must consider how they affect
our health and how our health affects the cost? - Why won’t lowering premiums make healthcare more affordable?
- What role does the early onset of chronic disease have on what everyone pays for healthcare?
- How can we change the healthcare system’s financial incentives from
promoting more treatments to boosting health and wellness? - Is there a way to restructure the healthcare system so it takes
advantage of competition and choices instead of using government
control? - Why does the term “single payer” not mean government run?
- Why copying what foreign countries do can’t deliver the most
innovative solutions for America? - How can we move past partisan politics and ideologies to find a
solution everyone can support that will actually make things better
for all?
A fun and informative learning experience about the U.S. Healthcare system
Don Shapiro’s high energy, fun, informative and interactive program turns the complex into something easy to understand everyone can relate to. It will open everyone’s eyes so they can better evaluate what would be best in a fresh way that uses stories, metaphors and examples all backed by hard evidence.
America is the most innovative country in the history of the world. Our strength is innovation. When we innovate, other countries copy us. There is amazing innovation going on at the healthcare delivery level where diagnosis and treatment occur. Yet, that type of innovative thinking has not been applied to how we can better restructure the finance, administration and delivery of the entire U.S. Healthcare system.
What goals do we want to set to improve the U.S. Healthcare system?
The problem with the entire healthcare discussion is that none of the ideas being considered are evaluated against a common standard of measurable goals. How can we possibly know what would be better until we define what better is? How can we objectively evaluate all the ideas if we don’t have a common set of desired results to compare them against?
With measurable goals, we move passed partisan politics and ideologies so we can focus on real innovation and can discover solutions everyone can support.
Better means the healthcare system makes us healthier while costing less. Better health, lower cost. Only innovation can achieve both of those goals.
Don Shapiro brings clarity to the healthcare discussion so all Americans can better evaluate what they want and decide what they will support.
When Don Shapiro speaks, everyone learns, laughs and leaves inspired
Don has inspired hundreds of audiences in over 33 industries and sectors including non-profits and even those who work in the juvenile prison system. His memorable approach uses stories and examples to bring home core messages that people will remember for years. Your group will laugh, reflect, and deeply feel this message. They will be able to immediately apply these ideas the moment the speech ends.
Contact Don to book a speech, ask questions about his discoveries, or brainstorm ideas to motivate your group
Email: donshapiro@firstconcepts.com