Motivational Speaker Don Shapiro shares his discoveries on strategic alignment
The greatest ideas, innovations and strategies don’t mean a thing unless you can implement them effectively then keep it going through consistent execution. Don learned this the hard way after seeing too many executives and owners decide to do something new and better only to learn their company couldn’t make it happen.
Or they couldn’t maintain a consistent level of service and quality over time. These experiences motivated Don to learn much more about how we actually implement and execute strategy.
Alignment is the magic behind great implementation and execution
That led to one of Don’s best known discoveries on “Strategy follows structure, structure supports strategy.” You have to align your strategy, structure and people together so they are all on one page supporting each other. Your firm’s level of strategic alignment probably has the single greatest impact on your growth, profits and ROI.
You can have the best products and services since the invention of peanut butter. You can have excellent leaders and a good culture of engaged employees. This is not enough. The key is to align your people, structure and strategy together so they all support each other. That’s what produces great implementation and execution.
Don takes executives, managers and owners through a fun filled and insightful journey into the world of strategic alignment. Your people will learn why it’s so important and how to achieve it. Strategic alignment is one of those terms that’s not a hot trendy buzz word but actually can do more to boost performance than most of the trendy buzz words put together.
When Don Shapiro speaks, everyone learns, laughs and leaves inspired
Don has inspired hundreds of audiences in over 33 industries and sectors including non-profits and even those who work in the juvenile prison system. His memorable approach uses stories and examples to bring home core messages that people will remember for years. Your group will laugh, reflect, and deeply feel this message. They will be able to immediately apply these ideas the moment the speech ends.
Don also conducts executive strategy and planning sessions.
Contact Don to book a speech, ask questions about his discoveries, or brainstorm ideas to motivate your group
Email: donshapiro@firstconcepts.com